Air Duct Cleaning

Can Air Duct Cleaning improve the air in your home? 

With indoor air quality becoming a growing concern, most homeowners are still not aware of the level of pollution inside of their home.

The Environmental Protection Agency has ranked poor indoor air pollution among the top 5 risks for public health multiple years in a row. Without knowing, your air duct system could be contaminated with particulates that are harmful for you and your family to breathe. Each time your heating and cooling system turns on, it can circulate dust, dust mites, animal dander, pollen and bacteria throughout the air inside your home.

We utilize the Rotobrush system, the leading equipment in the industry, for air duct and dryer vent cleaning. Included with a state of the art video inspection system to show you inside your air ducts and dryer vent.

Most people spend 60-90% of their time indoors and children breathe 50% more air per pound than adults; making indoor air quality a major factor in your family’s health and safety.

Learn more about the statistics and process by watching this quick video!


Ways to improve your indoor air

Improve Ventilation

Make sure your duct system is properly sealed! Leaky duct work can potentially bringing in more contaminants.

Clean Air Filter

A dirty air filter not only makes your system work harder it also can’t block out the contaminants from getting into your system.

Learn More About
Air Contaminants

Avoid harsh chemical air fresheners and cleaning products.

Cleaning Your Ducts

Is one of the fastest ways to improve the air in your home. With our brush and vacuum machine we scrub your duct work clean - leaving no harmful contaminants behind.